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What exactly do you mean by ancestral and plant medicines?Far from being part of the “New Age” movement, plant medicine healthcare has existed for thousands of years and was a well-established system long before Western medicine developed in the last few hundred years, so they are considered an ancestral form of medicine. However, we also work with some ancestral medicines that are not plant-based, like Bufo Alvarius and Kambo, for example. We called them Ancestral medicines as well. By plant medicine we mean plant-based healing resources such as Ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, etc. Read less
How do ancestral and plant medicines work?Addressing the Root Cause – Healing the Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual Bodies Just as modern medicine has excelled at getting to the physical causes of illness, Ancestral and Plant Medicines offer a chance to get at the emotional, energetic, and spiritual roots of dis-ease by opening channels of communication to our subconscious inner landscapes, where we can finally see ourselves on a very big and shiny mirror. From a place of compassion and love, this can offer us deep insight into our own psyche and provide us with the tools and understanding to let go of old patterns that are no longer supporting us. And it is there where healing, as well as spiritual and emotional growth begin. From a shamanistic point of view, most illnesses and diseases are manifestations of blockages or “knots” in the energy of a person, or where excess or insufficient energy creates imbalance in the overall system. This often happens throughout our life from trauma in its various forms. Shock trauma – often the result of abuse, attack, or loss – is one form, but trauma can result from many common occurrences of life: surgery, accidents, illnesses, injuries, relationships, financial difficulties, cultural and societal pressures, betrayal, or anger from close ones, even problems from birth we may be unaware of – just to name a few. With the help of Ancestral and Plant Medicine well trained and ethical healers, imbalanced energies can be addressed and corrected through healing ceremonies. This is contrary to Western medicine, which focuses on the physical body and outward symptoms of an illness. Such an emphasis can end up blocking our innate healing process by suppressing these symptoms without addressing the root energetic cause, denying, or invalidating the experience and associated emotions, or over-emphasizing adjustment or control. As a result, insufficient importance is placed on the energetic body, which encompasses the mental and emotional well-being of a person.
Will ancestral and plant medicines help me, are they safe?Yes, but as stated before, it’s important to have the right time, space, and highly skilled healers and facilitators to help us make sense of what comes up and surrender to the process fully. With the proper screening, preparation, container, and integration support, it is very rare that negative psychological effects result from partaking in Ancestral and Plant Medicine ceremonies. To avoid this, it is extremely important to respect certain medical conditions that are contraindicated with plant medicine, including (but not limited to) schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and psychosis. Additionally, certain medications are contraindicated and should be discussed with your doctor to determine if an Ancestral and Plant Medicine retreat is right for you and if it is possible to change or taper any medications. Beyond medical contraindications, an Ancestral and Plant Medicine experience can be considered unsafe due to inexperienced healers who are unable to hold the energetic space during ceremony; admixtures to the plant medicine brews that can negatively react with the guest; lack of support or an unsafe container throughout the process; or ‘medicine stacking’, wherein numerous different plant medicines are taken within a short period of time which can overload the system and potentially cause someone to become ungrounded. At Ek Lum Tulum safety, well-being, and healing is of utmost importance to us, and our main goal is to ensure each person gets the most out of an experience with us. Our aim is to create a safe and supportive environment encompassing all aspects of the healing process. We only work with highly experienced healers with decades of experience working and training with this medicine, such that they can safely and effectively hold space for our guests during the ceremony. Our facilitation team also has combined decades of experience working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines and facilitating ceremonies for hundreds of guests. Beyond our on-site team of highly skilled healers and facilitators, we consult with qualified professionals during the screening and preparation for your journey, and our stringent medical protocol before and during your retreat ensures each guest a safe and fulfilling experience, mitigating any risk of potential contraindications with our medicines. In addition, we have a facilitator trained in Wilderness First Response (WFR) and a fully stocked medical kit on-site. During your stay, our safety protocols allow you to rest easy and comfortably, while our staff provides a sanctuary for your emotional and spiritual well-being. In line with this, our focus on integration takes the same approach of a strong and supportive container. We understand that while a powerful experience and initial cleansing are crucial catalysts towards healing, really that’s just the first step in the much longer (truly lifelong) process. In order to create lasting healing, we feel it’s necessary to empower the person with the tools needed to enact the benefits of such a catalyst into their day-to-day life. And beyond that, provide a supportive container over the long-term to help inspire lasting change. Much of our team has come from working at previous plant medicine retreat centers, and within our communities we saw the need people had for a longer-term relationship with their process, whatever form that may take. You can read more safety protocol: Your safety is paramount, both in and out of the ceremony. As such, we have implemented the following measures and practices as part of our risk mitigation program: +Our stringent medical protocol and intake process (including a detailed medical questionnaire even before you arrive) ensures each guest a safe and fulfilling experience, reducing risk of potential contraindications with our medicines. +We consult with experienced intake coordinators during the screening process, and work with qualified medical professionals to help inform our integration programming. +We have a complete disclosure form that outlines the inherent medical, environmental, and other risks involved in a retreat with us. +Upon arrival and before departure, a brief physical exam by our medical doctor. +We are located 5 minutes from the nearest clinic and have protocols for emergencies to minimize harm from any accident. +We have a fully stocked medical kit available for minor injuries. +Onsite security guards regularly patrolling the grounds. +At least 1 female and 1 male medicine healer and facilitator in every ceremony. +Well-lit walkways and pathways for easy ground navigation. +Support staff of both English-speaking Westerners and locals.
Who are your healers? What are their experiences?We only work with highly experienced healers with decades of experience working and training with this medicine, such that they can safely and effectively hold space for our guests during the ceremony. Our facilitation team also has combined decades of experience working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines and facilitating ceremonies for hundreds of guests. We always work with a female and a male healer for every ceremony, and we work with the same healers throughout your entire retreat. You can read more about the healers that we work with and their individual stories and experiences on our ABOUT US page.
What is the ceremonial space/maloca like?We hold ceremonies in a large circular hut called a maloca, which is the traditional ceremonial space used for ceremonies. During the ceremony, guests have their own space in a circle around the outer rim of the maloca space, with their own pillows, blanket, and buckets in case the need to purge arises during the ceremony. There are bathrooms just outside of the maloca, and our facilitators are on call to help guests should they need any assistance.
What about visions? Does everyone have visions?As one can probably guess, the medicine works in different ways for different people. Visual imagery, while it can be part of some people’s experience, is often less common than one might think from reading or hearing experiential accounts of others. Oftentimes Ancestral and Plant Medicines work on a much more energetic level than we may consciously be able to perceive. The experience itself can take many forms, such as physical/energetic work – bodily sensations, physical purging through yawning, laughing, crying, sweating, vomiting, or shaking, to name a few – or deep thought, emotions coming to the surface, mental imagery, reliving past experiences, or a feeling of oneness and connectedness. It can be different not just for every person but for every individual experience. We are careful to mitigate expectations of visions in the guests that we welcome to Ek Lum Tulum, as while this can happen for some people, it is often not necessarily the bulk of the work being done, which happens in much deeper layers and oftentimes in the body. In some cases, the visions can simply be a distraction. In others, they can be a helpful way for the mind to understand the narrative of the healing being done. We encourage guests to surrender to the healing work, let go of expectations, and trust that they will get what they need, even if it isn’t in the way they expected.
What about purging? Does everybody purge?It is true that Ancestral and Plant Medicines can involve purging including vomiting and diarrhea. If you need help getting to the bathroom, our facilitators are on call to do so, and they will let you know how to easily signal them should you need assistance. It is important to note that the concept of purging can take many different forms for different people, including crying, yawning, sweating, shaking, and laughing, among other things. Nevertheless, our facilitators are trained to respond should any scenario arise, and you will be well taken care of quickly and lovingly should a challenging physical situation occur. As we like to say, everything is normal in Ancestral and Plant Medicine, and whatever happens during the ceremony is perfectly fine and nothing to be ashamed of or worried about!
I’m researching where to experience Ancestral and Plant Medicines. What kinds of questions should I ask?Choosing a place to participate in this sacred experience is an extremely important factor in determining what you will get out of the experience. Wherever you are considering, our first recommendation is to check in with yourself and see if it feels right for you first, and then make sure you have a clear understanding of the experience of the healers and the strength and safety of the container that will be held for you, both during and after the retreat. In this work, there are many things to consider – who trained the person who will be running ceremonies, the lineage of their maestro(s), what the experience of their direct teacher was, how long they were an apprentice, where they have trained, what tradition (if any), and how long they have been holding ceremony. This will help give a clearer picture about how they are able to hold and safeguard the energetic container of the space. You can read more about the healers we work with at Ek Lum Tulum. Additional factors to consider are the ratio between healers and group sizes, particularly dependent on the experience of the healers (a very good healer can hold around 10 – 12 people on their own. Additionally, there are many retreats that also combine other medicines and traditions within a short period of time. This is to be approached with caution, if done at all. We at Ek Lum Tulum feel that it is important to make the space to work with a reduced number of medicines, both from the perspective of your own body’s system and its ability to work with the energy of those medicines, as well as out of respect to the medicines we work with. This is one of the reasons why we recommend refraining from any other psychoactive substances for at least 30 days before and after your retreat. Finally, it is important to get an idea of what type of follow-up or integration support they offer, both during the retreat (in between/after ceremonies) and after you go home. Are there any experienced integration therapists or coaches on call? Do they offer any resources or ways to stay connected to the group, community, and experience? Do they prepare you for your integration with workshops, sharing circles, or information about what can come up and the different tools available to you should you need them? For some context, you can read more about our integration program here. We hope this helps offer some guidelines for you to make the decision that feels right for you. If you have further questions about the way we work with medicine at Ek Lum Tulum, please reach out to us through our contact page.
What is integration?Integration means taking the knowledge and lessons learned during your retreat experience and putting them into practice in your life. It can involve changing habits, relationships, or community; approaching life from a new perspective; realizing an increased sense of awareness in your thoughts and actions or working towards a new set of goals and purpose, as well as other changes in deep psychological processes you may have been unaware of until this point. You will undoubtedly face challenges upon returning home that test the lessons and insights that you have gained. You may have changed, but other people, situations, and environments will have stayed the same; how you deal with these situations determines the success of your medicine and integration work. We place a strong focus on preparing you for post-retreat life with actionable, solution-focused programs that will help you maintain your connection to the work you have accomplished at the center. Support for your integration process continues after the ceremonies through post-retreat integration sessions with highly qualified guides who have a foot in both worlds: decades of experience working with these medicines, and a deep understanding of how to bring these ancient teachings into a modern world. These sessions are offered at a discounted price of $50 for 50 minutes. Please contact us if you feel you need to book a session with a therapist from our team. You are also welcomed into Ek Lum Tulum global community, where you will find continuous support, resources, and fellow guests who have undergone similar experiences and who can help you find your footing as you navigate the sometimes murky waters of the default world. Integration services can help you learn how to work with your feelings and emotions, how to let go of what no longer serves you, how to recognize signs of healing, and how to effectively incorporate your healing experiences over the long term in your day-to-day life. Your experience at Ek Lum Tulum can be a touchstone; recalling the experience through daily meditation or other practices can help maintain the perspective you gain from a period of expanded consciousness, and connection to the center through various activities can keep your visions and insights alive. Activities that promote reflection and connection to the body, nature, and creativity, such as yoga, art, bodywork, and mindfulness practices, can supplement and enhance the benefits you gain at the retreat. Focusing on the body as a vehicle for awakening and honoring its role in our transformation—something that can often be ignored in traditional talk therapy—can enhance the impact of the medicine and lead to faster resolution of the issues that block full engagement with life in the here and now.
What if I have never done psychedelics before?At Ek Lum Tulum, we have had many guests come through who have had little to no experience with psychoactive medicines, who have found deep and profound healing working. In fact, less experience can sometimes be more beneficial, as it can make it easier to enter the experience without prior expectations, a key component that can play a major part in how much you get out of the ceremony. Working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines can be a process. If you are a first timer, we recommend allowing yourself the space and time to undergo multiple ceremonies in a safe and supportive container. This is because it can take some time to build up enough trust and a relationship with the medicine that will allow for the deeper work to unfold. Oftentimes, just one ceremony can open up the work but be insufficient to get significant benefit from it and then have a chance to energetically close what has been opened. It is for this reason that our minimum retreat stay is four nights. We have found that at least three ceremonies, along with integration support during and after to help guests process what has come up, can allow for a deep level of healing to occur.
What are Ek Lum’s recommendations to prepare for my retreat?Upon registration, you will receive an information packet which will include our dietary and preparation guidelines to prepare you for your experience. Beyond the specific foods we list to avoid, in general it’s best to approach the diet focusing less on deprivation, and more about creating an environment within your body which gives the medicine the best chance of permeating and illuminating areas that need healing. In general, a clean diet which focuses more on whole foods and less on excess salt, sugar, spiciness, and processed foods, is going to allow the medicine to work with you in the best way possible. Committing to an ancestral medicine retreat is an opportunity to address everything that has caused us suffering. While the past cannot be changed, the choice to make peace with it remains in our control, the power is not outside of us! This may come as a shift in perception, a realization that everything that has ever happened to us is exactly what our soul needed to experience and endure, in order to bring us to the here and now. A deeper and greater purpose lies behind even the most challenging obstacles we may be facing. Our personal desire to heal, transform and ultimately live a better life is all it takes to impact and change our world for the better. As cosmic souls, it's our responsibility to break-free from the programmed Matrix and create our own conscious reality. Rather than actively chasing something, what if the antidote to our problems in the West was merely recalling what we’ve forgotten?
I’m looking for preparation support.As part of our preparation and integration support system, we offer 1-on-1 preparation sessions with a psychotherapist from our team, for those who would like emotional/mental support as you consider and prepare for working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines. These sessions can help clarify intentions, address anxieties, and set the foundation for the work you will do prior to your arrival. These sessions are offered at a discounted price of $50 for 50 minutes. Please contact us if you feel you need to book a session with a therapist from our team. We have several years of experience supporting people through their processes before, during, and after they work with Ancestral and Plant Medicines.
Can I continue taking my supplements? CBD oil? Other plant tinctures?If possible, we recommend discontinuing all supplements 7 days before your retreat. The basic idea behind working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines is to bring a clean slate of a body. To learn the most one can from the experience of connecting with these medicines, one is always recommended to temporarily stop the use of any other supplements, plant treatments (unless prescribed by the healers), and synthetic drug treatments. If you can put these things on hold (unless it’s necessary to continue treatments), then you will get a more direct connection with Ancestral and Plant Medicines. As CBD oil comes from the marijuana plant, we do recommend refraining from using this for at least two weeks before and after your retreat. This is not medically contraindicated, however in order to prepare your body for working with Ancestral and Plant Medicines, it is recommended to stop using all other plant medicine for the specified time before and after. If there are any that you are needing to continue throughout the retreat, please indicate this on your registration form and we will follow up with you.
What is your integration programEk Lum Tulum: Unveiling Your Hero's Journey - Integration Program Embark on an epic adventure within. Your Ek Lum plant medicine retreat is a pivotal moment in your hero's journey, a transformative quest for inner discovery. Our comprehensive integration program guides you before, during, and after your experience, ensuring you navigate the terrain both within and without with wisdom and grace. In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, or the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Our overall approach to healing is based on the wisdom and guidance of our Ancestral and Plant Medicines healers, as well as our combined decades of experience from our previous work at several top-rated Ancestral and Plant Medicine centers around the world, the feedback we have gotten from our communities, and what we have collectively seen is needed in this space. As such, we emphasize a strong focus on integration, how to support people to carry their work home with them and enact the healing into their lives. We work closely with clinical psychologists who also have years of experience working with the medicine as well as certifications in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Our integration program involves various components both on and off-site, here is a brief overview: Before the Retreat: Preparation Workshops: Dive into the hero's archetypes, intention setting, and potential challenges, equipping you with self-awareness and tools for navigation. Individual Consultations: Connect with an experienced guide who will tailor your integration journey to your unique needs and aspirations. Community Building: Form connections with fellow travelers preparing for their own adventures, fostering a supportive network for the path ahead. During the Retreat: “The Hero’s Journal”: This creative and personalize-able integration journal is given to everyone on arrival, and takes you through the process of reflection, intention-setting, ceremony, and building your own integration plan. It will help you to delve deep into your inner landscape, confront your shadow, and embrace transformative insights.This framework is vetted by our clinical psychologist advisors and empowers you to set yourself up for success based on your goals and process during your stay. Integration Circles: Share your experiences with your guides and peers, receiving gentle reflection and support as you process your revelations and start incorporating different aspects of the journal, designed to help you flesh out an actionable plan from the time you begin your process at Ek Lum to help carry you back into the default world and enact the lessons and insights you gain from your experience Our retreat programming is centered around helping you immerse yourself in different healing modalities and creative expression workshops, which will help you channel your newfound perspectives into art, music, movement, or writing, integrating your journey into tangible expressions, many of which you can take back with you (yoga, meditation, nutrition, nature, etc.), to help you cultivate habits that feel right for you and can help you maintain the healing work done during your retreat. The Road Back: Mindful Re-entry: Learn practical tools for grounding yourself upon returning to daily life, navigating social spaces, and maintaining your newfound awareness. Ongoing Guidance: Access individual consultations and group sessions designed to support your ongoing integration process, ensuring sustained transformation. A Hero's Circle: Stay connected with your fellow travelers through an online community, sharing milestones, challenges, and triumphs as you continue your hero's journey. We offer a series of post-retreat follow-up emails with resources, videos, and content designed to help you check in with yourself and continue to support your journey back home. We also offer regular virtual group integration circles with members of our integration support team to share in real-time the successes and struggles of your processes, answer questions, and connect with each other in the weeks and months following your retreat. Finally, we provide a network of clinical psychologists and psychotherapists who are able to work with you in 1-on-1 sessions to dive deeper into your integration and further explore and maintain your healing process. These sessions are offered at a discounted price of $50 for 50 minutes. Please contact us if you feel you need to book a session with a therapist from our team. Ek Lum's integration program is your map and compass for heroically navigating your post-retreat journey. Our experienced guides, supportive community, and personalized approach ensure you return home not just changed, but empowered to live your transformed story with courage and wisdom. We are very excited about the framework we have created with the help of our advisors to help you maximize the benefits of your healing work. We are heavily focused on empowering people to be their own healers and set themselves up to continue that beyond the retreat. The following resources have all been vetted by our integration team and can offer different options based on the type of support you are looking for: Psychedelic Support Network – Inner Space Integration – Psychedelic Times Support – Spiritual Emergence Network – Psychedelics Today – Being True to You (entheogen-positive addiction coaching) – Ready to reclaim your inner hero? Ek Lum Tulum today and embark on the transformative journey of a lifetime. WhatsApp/Phone +52 984 4518899 Email:
So, you’ve had a transformative experience... What now?The path to wholeness is a continuous one. While a deep healing experience can jumpstart the process, it is equally important that you are equipped with the tools and knowledge to take that experience and apply its lessons to your life. At Ek Lum Tulum, we hold a high standard for every aspect of the healing process. Our Integration Program focuses on providing high-quality aftercare following transformative and potentially life-changing experiences. We design all our programs with this in mind and are privileged to work with highly qualified professionals to lead the way in integration services. A retreat with us doesn’t end when you head back home – we are committed to ensuring every guest has the support, knowledge, tools, and community to move from a transformed self to a transformed life.
What is spiritual integration?In traditional indigenous communities, integration is part of daily life; messages and visions are shared, and group decisions can be based on the outcome of Ancestral and Plant Medicine sessions. Community can also be essential, especially in modern life where there may be those who judge plant medicine or do not understand them; Ek Lum Tulum aims to provide a context and community where others who value and understand the work can receive supportive feedback and relevant information. Maintaining a spiritual practice that gives a frame of reference for this process is essential for integration. There is no universal template for this—each person has his or her own path—but in order to hold on to the lessons of the medicine, a regular practice is essential to avoid dissipation and erosion of the lessons in the face of modern demands to compete, succeed, and perpetuate social status. For many Westerners, modern psychotherapeutic integration can help; talking with a therapist who understands the medicine’s effects as well as how it impacts people living in the modern world with its pressures to acquire and conform can be crucial for Westerners who heal with Ancestral and Plant Medicines. Personalized group and individual sessions with a therapist can enhance the rewards of Ancient and Plant Medicines allowing doubts and questions to be addressed and permitting exploration of themes that arise for Westerners that indigenous practitioners do not have the experience to address. Integration sessions can also be an opportunity to put the session and its rewards into words so that it can be shared with others. Guests do not have to rely only on their own interpretations; others can support and guide ways of talking about and sharing the gifts they have received from the medicine so that it is not simply an isolated experience, but one that others have shared, benefited from, and that can be translated into a vocabulary and tradition that has meaning and a history of benefit for those who partake. These sessions are offered at a discounted price of $50 for 50 minutes. Please contact us if you feel you need to book a session with a therapist from our team. ULTIMATELY our main intention is to empower you to become your own healer, connecting with your true and highest self through all the tools you will go back home with, fully understanding what it takes for you to embody that highest self in your everyday life.
What is your refund/cancellation policy?Please view our complete policies here.
What is your maximum group size?We believe in offering personalized care for every guest so they can have the space to immerse themselves fully in their process and have the support they need to do so. We also feel strongly that the community aspect is an important part of the healing, which we believe can get lost if there are too many people in a group. Therefore, we keep our groups rather intimate, and have a high facilitator-to-guest ratio. Our maximum capacity is 12 guests.
What is the process for booking?Depending on your desired length of stay, you can click into the RETREATS AND SCHEDULING. If you click into each retreat page you can read more about each retreat description, dates, and prices according to the lodging options. From there, please contact us to start your registration process. Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link to a detailed questionnaire which contains a series of questions that will help us to ensure that there are no medical, personal, and psychological issues that might be contraindicated for your retreat and the use of the medicines. Your booking will not be confirmed until we have received and reviewed that questionnaire for you. If for any reason it is deemed personally, medically, and/or psychologically unsafe for you to attend the retreat with us, you would be entitled to a full refund of any deposit made. One thing that we ask for during this process is if you are taking any prescription medications or have any specific medical diagnoses. If you’d like to inquire prior to registering, please send an email to, and we would be happy to review this information with our coordination team to determine whether an Ancestral and/or Plant Medicine retreat is right for you, or any necessary tapering schedules for medications. We also recommend that you review this decision with your doctor if you are currently on any specific treatment plan or medications, particularly before changing or tapering any medications, as they will have a more complete picture of your medical history. The privacy and confidentiality of your application are guaranteed. VIEW AVAILABLE RETREATS BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY
What is the difference between shorter and longer retreats? How long do you recommend I book?This work is all about intuition, so we recommend checking in with yourself about what feels right for you, and trusting you’ll get what you need out of whatever length of time you choose. The only difference between retreat lengths is the number of ceremonies, as well as the space and time you are allowing yourself to process and integrate the work being done. Some people find a lot of healing within 5 nights or one week, while others may benefit from a longer and deeper connection for the healing to take root. Depending on what you are looking to heal or work with, you may find that more time and space to work with the medicine will give you a chance to integrate the work you do more fully. Regardless, whatever length of time you choose, you won’t be wrong!
May I attend if I am under 18? May I bring my children?We do require that all guests be of legal age, at least 18 years old, in order to be on site and participate in a retreat with us. Due to the deep nature of this work, and the sensitivity that children can have to the things that are being released during this type of healing, we do not allow for participants to bring children. We strive to maintain a strong container for all participants so that everyone feels safe to move deeply into their processes without risking affecting any children who would not necessarily understand what is happening.
Is it okay for couples to come together? To share accommodations?In terms of best practices regarding coming as a couple, one thing that we implement is that we do not have couples sit next to each other inside the maloca during the ceremony. This is to ensure each can undergo their own process and minimize energetic influence during the ceremony. Outside of the ceremony, we do require that all guests abstain from sexual and sensual contact with themselves or others during the retreat. Beyond that, we empower guests to decide what works for them as it relates to their accommodations. While some people may feel it would be best for their process to have separate accommodations than their partner, others prefer to be able to process things with each other and share a private accommodation. This part is really up to you and what you feel would work best for you both.
How do I find information about your programs, pricing and availability?Depending on your desired length of stay, you can click into each retreat page to read more about each program and see pricing. If you click into each retreat page, you’ll see a list of available dates as well as lodging options depending on the date. You can select the appropriate start date on the calendar in order to see available lodging options. If rooming options appear as unavailable, please select a different start date on the calendar. If there is a specific listed date that shows as unavailable that could work for you, please email us at and we would be happy to follow up with you should a space become available. We offer all-inclusive packages based on lodging type. Our pricing includes all meals, accommodations, medicine, ceremonies, activities, taxes, and fees.
Do you offer financial aid?We understand a retreat with us is an investment in oneself which can take time to prepare for. Part of our mission is to help make this type of healing as accessible as possible for all those who seek it. As such, we have a scholarship program for those committed to their healing journey, and who would otherwise be unable to attend a retreat with us. We ask that you only sign up for this program if this is the case for you, otherwise you will be taking a spot from someone who truly needs this support. Please email us at if that is your case. For those who may be working within a budget, we offer economical dorms. This is a lower-cost way to attend a retreat with us, utilizing shared bathrooms and showers. Please email us at if that is your case. Additionally, while we normally ask for 50 – 75% deposit in order to secure your spot, we evaluate payment plans on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information if your situation warrants additional assistance.
Can I pay my remaining balance via credit card?Regarding balance due, we are asking guests to bring their remaining balance in cash if possible. As our operations are run entirely in cash, this is very helpful for the work we do on the ground. This will be collected immediately on day 1 of your retreat. If there is any way to bring most or all the remaining balance in USD, this is preferred and very much appreciated. If this is truly an issue, please do let us know.
What if I am menstruating during my retreat?This won’t prevent you from participating in the ceremony. While some traditions do indeed indicate that women on their period should not participate in the ceremony, our healer’s recommendation is that you simply tell one of our facilitators if you are on it, to relay to the healer, for them to be aware of that energy release happening during the ceremony. Our healers have decades of experience working with medicine and navigating the energetics of the ceremony space. We have been working with Ancestral and Plant Medicine healers for several years and have never had any issues as it relates to creating a safe space for those who are on their cycles.
What if I am pregnant?It is best not to do plant medicine while pregnant
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